Will's avatar

Hello and welcome. I’m a technology lead & enthusiast in Wales. I enjoy 🏋️‍♂️ fitness, I love to ✈️ travel, and I’m a 🐶 proud dog dad!

I’m into startups & small businesses, indie or open-source tech projects, and self-hosting.


💡 Since 2016 I have been Chief Technology Officer at enterprise SaaS company Simply Do Ideas. Before this I was a software engineer at Chaser.

📦 I build and maintain a number of projects - both open-source and commercial. I am a co-founder of Trialflare.

🎓 I completed my PhD at Cardiff University’s School of Computer Science & Informatics in 2015.

🤓 I worked on the IBM-led UK MoD and US Army Research Labs coalition ITA project as a postdoctoral research associate.

👨‍🏫 I lectured the Advanced Computer Science MSc module Web & Social Computing and the Computer Science BSc module Human-Computer Interaction

What’s on this website?

📝 I write about technology and things I find interesting on my blog (📥 RSS feeds available).

🌱 I curate a collection of thoughts, links and notes.

🚀 I (occasionally) publish additional content on my geminispace at gemini://wilw.capsule.town (see this post for help with opening this link).

👨‍💻 Some of my research publications are available here.

🪴 Find out more about this website and its purpose.

How to contact me

You can follow me on Mastodon (📣 @wilw@fosstodon.org) and Pixelfed (🖼️ @wilw@pixelfed.social).

You can also get in touch directly with me on Telegram (@wilw88).

Recent posts

Cross-publishing web content to Gemini 1 June 2023

My personal website is generated using Hugo, which allows me to write nearly all of the actual content itself in plain markdown files. I also maintain a Gemini capsule (hosted at gemini://wilw.capsule... (2 minute read)

CI/CD with Woodpecker and Gitea 23 April 2023

Some of my personal projects are beginning to get larger and more complicated, often involving different front-ends and services that all need to be separately built and deployed. Managing all of thes... (2 minute read)

Thoughts on book logging 24 March 2023

I’ve been a member of Goodreads since 2013. I follow a few of my friends and family on there, and whilst it was nice to see the types of things people are reading, I only really ever used the se... (2 minute read)